Tugas 1 Softskill Bahasa inggris 2 "suka dan duka selama menjadi mahasiswi akuntansi" dengan simple present tense
Hello, my name is dewi trisnaningrum, you can call me dewi. I will tell you a story about my feeling after being a college student of accounting in gunadarma university.
Started in 2013, i choosed a program study of accounting, i had ups and downs feeling after being a new college student. Honestly, I didn't have basic proficiency in accounting, because in senior high school i choosed departmen of natural science.
Actually I wish to be a doctor, but Allah has another dispose that I must be a great accountant.
At the beginning of the lecture, i must try to understand basic accounting knowledge alone, and determined to be Pursuing all backwardness information about accounting.
Luckily I have friends who kindly help to teach me things that I do not know.
We usually study at library before midterm exam, the main exam, and final exam.
Alhamdulillah, For all the effort and the help of friends, I got a good result.
In the first half I scored 3,46 and I am proud of my own.
Now, I am in the 6th semester the lecture, i start feeling comfortable with my routine and I love the direction i choose. I still need to study hard and pray. I love be a college student, being able to meet many professors to exchange ideas and reproduce information.
i hope i can be a great accountant to catalyze the economy in Indonesia to be better and become the praud of a father and mother.
Started in 2013, i choosed a program study of accounting, i had ups and downs feeling after being a new college student. Honestly, I didn't have basic proficiency in accounting, because in senior high school i choosed departmen of natural science.
Actually I wish to be a doctor, but Allah has another dispose that I must be a great accountant.
At the beginning of the lecture, i must try to understand basic accounting knowledge alone, and determined to be Pursuing all backwardness information about accounting.
Luckily I have friends who kindly help to teach me things that I do not know.
We usually study at library before midterm exam, the main exam, and final exam.
Alhamdulillah, For all the effort and the help of friends, I got a good result.
In the first half I scored 3,46 and I am proud of my own.
Now, I am in the 6th semester the lecture, i start feeling comfortable with my routine and I love the direction i choose. I still need to study hard and pray. I love be a college student, being able to meet many professors to exchange ideas and reproduce information.
i hope i can be a great accountant to catalyze the economy in Indonesia to be better and become the praud of a father and mother.
Saya Ibu Queen Daniel, A pemberi pinjaman uang, saya meminjamkan uang kepada indaividu atau perusahaan yang ingin mendirikan sebuah bisnis yang menguntungkan, yang menjadi periode utang lama dan ingin membayar. Kami memberikan segala jenis pinjaman Anda dapat pernah memikirkan, Kami adalah ke kedua pinjaman pribadi dan Pemerintah, dengan tingkat suku bunga kredit yang terjangkau sangat. Hubungi kami sekarang dengan alamat email panas kami: (queendanielloanfirm@gmail.com) atau (queendanielloanfirm@yahoo.com) Kebahagiaan Anda adalah perhatian kami.