Tugas 1 Softskill Bahasa inggris 2 "suka dan duka selama menjadi mahasiswi akuntansi" dengan simple present tense
Hello, my name is dewi trisnaningrum, you can call me dewi. I will tell you a story about my feeling after being a college student of accounting in gunadarma university. Started in 2013, i choosed a program study of accounting, i had ups and downs feeling after being a new college student. Honestly, I didn't have basic proficiency in accounting, because in senior high school i choosed departmen of natural science. Actually I wish to be a doctor, but Allah has another dispose that I must be a great accountant. At the beginning of the lecture, i must try to understand basic accounting knowledge alone, and determined to be Pursuing all backwardness information about accounting. Luckily I have friends who kindly help to teach me things that I do not know. We usually study at library before midterm exam, the main exam, and final exam. Alhamdulillah, For all the effort and the help of friends, I got a good result. In the first half I scored 3,46 and I am proud of my own. N...